Friday, 4 July 2014

Re-did search...10 hours!

I'm sooo tired from doing the journals search all over again. This time, I figured out how to do a proper search and with El's and Sil's help via whatsapp. Phew! At least now I feel more confident of my searches. Realised how silly I was to use the lib's database wrongly!! I felt like I wasted my time in April and May!! But at least I'm just playing it safe and see if there're better articles to include in my systematic review. I spent about 10 hours on it with 30min dinner break. I still have one more database to do tomorrow morning. After that will be collating and finding pdf for the new articles and making sure I note down how many I found, read and excluded. Grr...vv tedious. I was telling El and Sil that I should've just done an experimental or survey kind of least I have data and it depends on how I want to analyse. Then Sil reminded me that systematic review is the top in the hierarchy thus it definitely has its challenges. I didn't even think of it that way when I decided to do a systematic review! I only wanted to save time to skip ethics and waiting for responses. But I'm still thankful for being able to do the search without any technical glitches or disturbances and of course El and Sil for helping me despite their busyness at work...and my mum for supporting me too. But anyway the articles are not very much different from my previous search..will be added some to read through to see if they are relevant and should be included.

A. was asking me about some English phrasing and he was saying he's at his Results bit already...v good for him..and he's aiming to publish his work cos of interesting findings..hah..anyway last I heard from him was that he needs to go back in mid Aug so rushing to finish his dissertation.

Tomorrow plan to bake but shall see how my search goes. Today totally didn't really talk to L and C and was in my room (with door closed) almost the whole day...only when L asked to borrow my charger this morning that I asked I thought she was using an iphone..then she said it's for C's hp cos he has some old stuff in there. She only returned when I asked back from her and she took it out from her strange! Don't know what's going on but I don't care. Ate the sesame pretzel I bought from Germany with cream cheese today as my lunch/snack..yumsss..

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