Friday, 25 July 2014

Baked apple pastry and cakes!

Had quite a relaxed day today. Had wanted to drop by Tesco but decided to bake first and see how tired I was after. And so cos I finished only around 3+pm, going to 4pm, I decided to stay home..cos I am planning to cook dinner tonight too. Anyway I made these apple pastries and cakes! I'm intending to cut like 3/4 of each of the cake to bring for church tmr. So timely that L and C both came back not long after I was one baking and I left the cakes on the stove to cool. So I got to leave some for them. Emailed M to show her and said if they are not of saleable quality, can keep for ourselves! Haha..

Apple cinnamon pastry for lunch/tea

Apple with raisin cake and apple with chocolate chunks cake

My baked stuff today!
Planning to cook vege curry and add fish tonight but I'm not sure if I'll get to use the kitchen. I hear the sound of opening and closing of drawer and bowls.

**Added: In the end yes, C was cooking mackerel with black eyed peas (new style) but he let me have the kitchen/stove first since he had to boil his black eyed peas. And so I cooked my vege curry and added a piece of basa fillet. It was pretty good..hah..I added yoghurt (since I bought), peanut butter into it..hahaa! Then cut up the cake about 3/4 of each to bring for church. Asked L if I could borrow her rectangular tray to bring to church tmr and she told me to take the nicer flower design one..haha! Prob only here sells such trays for serving cake..seldom see in SG. Didn't manage to snap a pic of the inside of the cakes. They taste good!! Left quite a few pieces for them on a plate. Also left 3 pastries and left 2 as of just now.

And L said she'll be roasting leg of lamb for Sun lunch..said I could join too! I'm thinking if I should get the Marc de Champagne ice cream as dessert or not..shall see how tmr. Tmr prob after the craft fair I will go either Aldi or Tesco or both...shall see how tired I am then.

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