Finally my sup replied my email..but honestly, I have already figured some questions out..haha..but good tt she said I don't need to calculate the OR. Spent almost the whole day working on my draft so I can send it off to Pastor and mum. And I finished ard 4pm. I will still need someone in the clinical field to read through but cos it's the first draft, not sure if E and Sil are free to do so. Will continue to work on it cos I think I need to read through and convince myself that it's right and add the preliminary pages. Anyway told my sup that I'll be emailing her my draft by this week.
Anyway a colleague whatsapped to ask me if I remember the contact who sells adjustable beds in SG..cos I ever saw at some event and told them about it..can consider for patients who need adjustable beds yet want to still sleep with their spouses. Did a google search after I was done with my dissertation draft and realised not many options in SG! But there are lots to choose from here and in the US!
Just got M's email..they'll be in church 2-3.45pm tmr..timing is just right cos by then I would've finished video call with my niece. Haha! At first was worried that I won't get to video call with her if I wasn't at home. Oh, this morning L saw me on my way to put my laundry to wash and told me to dry my clothes outside then bring upstairs...said something about too much moisture. And said she used to hang the lighter ones upstairs. So strange! I stayed here for so long keep feeling the air here is sooo dry and yet she said too much moisture?? And she was the one who told me I can hang my laundry in my room..and she mentioned that she didn't like laundry hanging around in the house (except garden). Anyway I just hung some of my pants out in the garden (and they dried v quickly, actually) and others just put in my room. I don't seem any damage done to her furniture or what..and I somemore have a tray of water at my bedside lor. Or maybe she saw it when she put that extra duvet in the attic. No idea! Whatever, going off soon anyway.
Still have yet to hear from HR. I guess if by Wed I don't hear from her, I'll email to ask again and if she can't get for me then I'll go to the agency to enquire liao...cos time is running out!
This week's weather is really summer no like!! Oh, today C painted the walls downstairs. Wonder if they'll want to pain my room or attic. The last time L painted some parts of my room was like patching up so became v uneven.
Have been listening to YES 93.3FM and there's this National Day-theme song by Desmond Tan 陈炯江 <<将爱延续>> which is pretty nice..he wrote the lyrics by himself..and the music has the National anthem too!
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