Tuesday, 19 August 2014


Had bagel and donut for bfast today. Have been having them since Sun actually. I quite like bagels cos they are a bit chewy..and not so common in SG. Anyway, Poppy woke me up this morning with her barking..think it was cos someone walked passed. Grr...anyway this morning when L asked if I'm alright (like saying how are you) after I greeted her morning, I said I was woken up by Poppy. She replied she didn't know why she barked too.

Finally HR replied with a proposed flight itinerary and she was nice enough to ask if Emirates was ok with me too. I saw the email with the propose itinerary and thought why she asked if it's confirmed..then saw her next email with correspondence with the travel agent and she did ask the agent to arrange for SQ one too. I'm not that keen for Emirates one for is fly for 7hrs to Dubai, transit for 2hrs then fly back SG for another 7hrs. So to me it's like sleep and comfy on the seat liao then need to get up and then hard to sleep back liao. At least if SQ, it is more direct (long haul) so I can make myself comfy throughout the flight. So since she asked if I'm ok, I replied that I preferred SQ. Hope dun kena blackmarked by her..hahaha! All these correspondence was also CC-ed to my boss. Anyway I went to check coach timings if I were to decide to just fly out from London (since seems like taxi fare can't be claimed) and it's about £33+ and takes about 3h 10min...so if I were to take the night flight (8.40pm), I can take the 1+pm coach and reach the airport at 4+pm..the later coach won't fit my timing though. PF did offer me her place to sleep for a night if I needed too...but also need to travel to her place and then to airport. So conclusion is await for her to get back to me if have SQ + connecting flight. If not I might just tell her I'll book the flight myself and perhaps fly out of London to save the trouble. But she should be able to get the Lufthansa-SQ flight option since that's what she suggested.

Anyway the next thing to clarify with her if my start of leave. Last night I found out that she calculated my start of leave wrongly. So we are given 3 days as packing days (includes weekends) after our last day of programme so means 2/9 fly out..then she said my leave should start from 3/9. But she probably forgot that even if I fly out on 2/9, I will only arrive on 3/9. So how can I start work on that day too? I also didn't think about it till PF showed me hers...she is under another HR person who explained v clearly and took into consideration the flight time. Unless is cos I said I'm using my own leave so she took that date...then v mafan cos another HR person is in charge of leave lor..so if wrong then will have to inform the other person too. But I decided to clarify after I confirm my air tix...else will just make her more pek chek.

Video called with my niece for about 30min today.

Still trying to finalise my thesis - hope to get it done by tonight.

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