Sunday, 17 August 2014

Ginseng chicken soup...and booked for Ireland!

Thought it was quite chilly today so wore my woollen top but end up the cold was bearable. Anyway, Ch took the service today so many little stories. We also prayed for my cousin and interesting how they pronounce "Quan" (Ch said like kuan1) It was Ja's 30th birthday today (the male of the young couple) so his wife had made a chocolate cake topped with M&M's peanuts and Cadbury fingers surrounded. The cake was a bit dry though the others said it was lovely. Haha...

Came home straight after church cos I wanted to focus on my thesis. Thankfully, Sil was available so gave me more detailed tips as to how to improve my thesis..esp the intro part. Had wanted to ask her to help me with abstract but she went through the other parts too. So spent the rest of the time working on it..refind some journal articles and references to link the points better. Anyway the tv was shifted to the attic and a small toilet cabinet too. But the chest of drawers is still in the attic..not shifted to the shed yet.

Oh yes, I have booked my flight for a short trip to Dublin to go to the Giant's Causeway (and Belfast)!! Costs only £48 for return..cheaper than the last time I went in April! Managed to get that price despite good it will be 1st to 3rd Sept! So will take a day trip on 2nd Sept. And cos S will be there before and even after, she'll join me for the day tour!! We'll decide on which company to go for on Wed..As for my accomm, likely can stay with her who's staying with the OT friend (whom I also know)..else will just book an accomm in town or something. Then I informed my Irish friend to tell her that I'll be there so can meet! Then she brought me good news that she's expecting!!! Woo hoo!! VV happy for her! Baby is due end Feb...

Cos I wanted to cook my ginseng chicken soup tonight, I scrubbed the pot cos C had cooked until chao da at bottom and they left it there to soak with water. So here's my ginseng chicken soup! Kept a portion for tomorrow and froze another up. Didn't offer them cos I doubt they will like the smell/taste.

Anyway they came back after I was almost done cooking but was doing my laptop work in living room..L asked "no tv programs today?" and I said "no, I'm doing my work and watching the fire..I'm cooking" then she asked "Where's the fire??" then I said "I mean the stove". Hahahaha! She thought where's the fire! Then both of them saw that I used the pot to cook my dinner then C said it must have been hard work scrubbing tt pot..and L said something similar too. I said "it was alright". Then after a while when I went to kitchen to check the soup, L said "U've been anything wrong?" Then I merely said "No..I'm just busy with my work" then she replied "Oh, busy with your work" then kept quiet.

Plan to make use of tmr and Tue to finish my thesis and then hopefully can send to mum and Sil for proofreading then Thur or Fri send it off for printing. Hopefully early next week can get it then I can submit it. Once I submit it, I can then go sightseeing to Aston Hall and Sarehole Mill and also pack and buy gifts if needed. Oh..then sometime this week I will have to enquire about closing bank account from bank too..then maybe end this week or next week can do it if it really requires a week to process. Well, at least I know I don't have any urgent need to use my debit card towards the end of my stay now that I've booked and planned my last trip before I return back to SG.

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