Saturday, 28 December 2013

Warley Woods & Park

Didn't know why my photo of my dinner last night didn't appear on my hp last night but appeared this here it is! Going to have the leftover for tonight cos I couldn't finish it last night.

Slept earlier than usual last night cos I was having slight headache and aching shoulders (blame me on my posture while watching sg drama on my laptop almost whole of yday!). But could hear C&L talking in the wee hours of the morning. Anyway, it was a beautiful day with a nice sunrise. And I got a Christmas card from my boss and 2nd boss! What a pleasant surprise!

Then saw my colleague's email reply..cos he's doing his PhD in Southampton and I just asked if there's anything nice there...and he suggested an island called Isle of Wight...from website it's beautiful..but mainly for hiking/trekking and it's not advisable to go have to wait for more company, I guess.

Anyway, I just wanted to get out of the decided to go to Harborne Library. Was all dressed up and ready to go then L popped her head into my room (I had the door stopper there..oops!) and asked where I was going..then she said she's just bringing Poppy to the woods and asked if I wanna go. Then I said yes! So brought my cam along too. Met the pastor who preached on the Sun R attended with me and I remembered her cos she gave us a lift to Bearwood that Sun..haha..and she stays around there too. What a surprise and L said I know more people here..hahaha! Just coincidental la..

That's Poppy going to say hi to the other dog!

Poppy found a friend - labradoodle

Came home and then L was telling me more places to go and said we could go one day too cos it's not v far from here...all look so beautiful! Shall see!

Headed out to Harborne cos I prob will be spending most days at home given the weather forecast. Managed to pick up 3 books then headed to Bearwood (home bargains didn't have muesli AGAIN!) bought a pack of granola, 1.5kg of carrots, carton of milk, small cup of yoghurt and a pack of chicken thighs...cos they were rather heavy, changed bus instead of walking home.

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