Sunday, 8 December 2013

Full of laughs

This morning went to the nearby Methodist church..finally had Holy Communion there..I think they only have it once a month and so happen I always miss it cos I'll be at Uni Chaplaincy. But today's pastor is a clinical psychologist (day job)...and he was asking abt Singapore and then talked about how the size of congregation here decreased over the years. Now there are churches with big congregations like 200-300 still in Bham but used to be more last time.

Then earlier in the morning, L had told me C invited neighbours opposite the road for asked if I want too...of course! Told her (and later C) that I was just missing C's chicken and lamb..hahaha! L said I could've just told him, like how he told me he wants brownies! Anyway, "lunch" or "dinner" was not until 4+pm! It was lovely..and had chats with was quite girls/guys talk..full of laughs. Had sparkling wine with orange juice and prosecco. Over dinner, I was suddenly told I'm gg to London with L&C on New Year's since when?! Cos neighbours asked what their plans are for New Year's eve and L said maybe gg to London then they asked me..and I said "here?" Then L said "u're coming with us"...I'm like HUH?! Anyway later on checked out the hotels...v ex..but found an apartment apparently 2 bedrooms for £92?! Quite emailed the manager to ask...see how. But I don't like crowds!!! I tried to give "excuse" by asking how about Poppy..haha..then she said maybe ask someone to look after her. Shall see how. Then I have to make brownies for them for Christmas..and the neighbour will be making Baileys cheesecake..yumssss! I was telling L that I was craving for cheesecake and wanted to make some but then I would have to buy the cake tin (but I didn't mind la) and I thought if they won't eat, I'll have to eat it all on my own...and then Fri I had it at the Moroccan restaurant.

Helped to put lights along the railings of the stairs's all Christmas-ey in the house - shall take pics some time. Did a bit of revision on Lighting today. Oh ya, this morning L told me C was v drunk last night..or rather early this morning. They went to his friend's house...apparently he drank beer then was knocked out. Heng he didn't make noise and wake me up..haha! Anyway, managed to take my suitcase out from the shed..wanted to take my smaller luggage and stuff I got for my mum. So packed aside stuff for R to bring back SG for me..but I seriously don't know if she'll exceed her baggage allowance..she bought lots at the Factory Outlet her friend in Manchester brought her to. I still don't know if to bring back my notes or scan them as soft copy and throw the hard copies...there're 2 thick stacks already!! I do have them in soft copy but not the ones with my notes on them. Anyone has suggestions?

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