Saturday, 8 February 2014


Worked on my assignment today again..finally finishing the question. I write too much..but I also don't know how much information is needed!!

Anyway, I also tried my hand at baking the seeded bread..after proofing I added my own sultanas..hope it won't go wrong! I was thinking to try today and if it fails, I'll go and buy bread tomorrow after church for next week when Uni starts again.

Hehe..proofing the dough cos it has to be 30-50°C!
Baked bread
I've yet to cut it so not sure if it's fully baked. I remembered the last time I tried making buns, it became stones..haha! Think cos I didn't proof it long enough that time. Hope it turns out ok!

Ate the blueberry cheesecake muffin for breakfast with my waffle..not bad..fluffy and not sweet. Then had the banoffee cheesecake for was a bit too sweet for my liking.

C cooked chicken again today and L offered me..partly also cos he asked to use my garlic. Aiyah..kept lending him the hp charger then this time the wire used to twine the cable went missing. Cos I just twine it on the cable. L is right lor..he shld get his own charger lor..keep borrowing from me..buay paiseh lor..and is not lend for a while and return. Sometimes will lend for 2 days then return with just "thanks".   -_-"

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