Sunday, 16 February 2014

Beautiful sunny day!

And yes, it was a lovely sunny, glorious day today! Managed to take a lovely pic of my Uni as I was leaving the Uni Chaplaincy! It was quite cool it was a nice weather today!

This morning had cinnamon and raisin bagel with donut...yums! Spread cream cheese with smoked salmon and dill on my bagel.

Anyway my classmate did turn up for church but didn't get a chance to ask how he finds it cos he left straight after service to catch his train to Manchester. Anyway had Mac and cheese for lunch today. After church, went to Aldi at Selly Oak to get pork chops and carrots as I planned yesterday.

Came home and continued on my EWH assignment. Too many words again!! Grrr! Shall try to cut down. And this is the 1st question. I have yet to look through my 2nd question interest cos it's on Occ Asthma..haha! Shall do it in a while.

Cos I figured they wouldn't be cooking dinner today, I decided to cook my pork chops. Cooked 2 today (keeping one for tomorrow) and kept other 2 in the freezer. Anyway I also heated up my frozen apple puffs. Apples go very well with pork! And I used up my next week will be wong bok as vege.

Then after dinner, L wanted to bake pineapple upside down pudding (she did tell me she's gg to bake tt when I came home but I didn't bother cos I'm not a fan of pineapples). Then she kinda wanted me to help..or maybe cos I hv measuring spoons. Anyway, it turned out not bad..and they had it with my Haagen Dazs ice if this week still have offer, prob will buy it. The freezer is kinda full and hard to fit my ice cream tub...ended up reshuffling stuff to fit my ice cream back in. Sian lor...seriously think K's method last time works better..leave me my own shelf..and if she needs space then just put if there is. Anyway another problem when they buy chopped up chicken and pt in freezer, they don't pack it nicely so v odd shapes! What to do..anyway maybe will buy magnum mini if still hv offer. I'm aiming to head out either on Thu or Fri to replenish my groceries. The next few days will be finalising on my assignment and start writing up my lit review!!

Oh yes, I'll likely be watching a musical in London when I go over end March with SK! Glad she wants to watch too..hehe..but cos she has watched Phantom and Wicked in SG and Lion King and We Will Rock You in London, we will probably catch Les Miserables or Billy Elliot. Mamma Mia is on too but I watched the movie twice..might be too similar.

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