Thursday, 13 February 2014

2nd last day of module

And so today had the talks by Occupational PT and an OT. The Occ PT presented on what he does (which is essentially what I do!!) and then OT presented on her role in the outpatient setting for brain injured clients. No wonder some of my classmates are confused over the role of PT and OT. And mind you, the PT mentioned that they are upskilling PTs to also handle psychosocial aspects and mental health aspects, which traditionally had been OT's training. Hmmm...anyway, I asked both of them for attachment or a visit...prob will go in May. I had intention to look for places to visit too since I'm here..and great that both said can drop them an email and arrange.

I made myself potato salad yesterday for today's lunch!

Towards the afternoon it was a bit boring though. Fewer ppl attended class today too..but I think tomorrow will be almost full attendance cos we'll be going to the Driving Assessment centre! I don't know if SG driving licence is recognised here..if so then I will get to drive vehicles with modifications!! Else shall just take pics of them! Class is supposed to end before lunch probably will do some grocery shopping then head home to do my assignment. Hoping to finish my module assignment by Sunday so that I can concentrate on my literature review next week. This Sun the Bishop will be conducting the service at Uni Chaplaincy and my classmate will be joining me too!

Weather forecast for tomorrow is HEAVY RAIN. Grrr..then Sat is Light Rain..and Sun is sunny intervals. I'll be bringing brownies to share around tomorrow since it's V-day! Oh ya, this morning some parts of the pavements were icy so walked slower so as not to slip and fall!

Some comics for Valentine's Day!

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