Saturday, 1 March 2014


It's officially the start of Spring today!

Had this for my lunch..

it's actually one of the 4 cupcakes our neighbour gave L for her belated bday..seems tt she's started this baking business at home. L offered me that's why I took..haha! Looks soo pretty! Cake a but dry but surprisingly eaten together, the cupcake isn't v compared to those I tasted so far.

Spent this morning discussing travel plans with parents...but not much conclusion except narrowed down accomm for London..haha..and at least I know we might rent a car in Bham. Probably have to ask around which town is nice to visit in Summer. I'm sure the ladies at my nearby church will be able to recommend too cos they were the ones who told me about Chester and I'll like York too.

Maybe I didn't mention in my blog last week..but the ladies suggested I cook a Singaporean meal for them one day..then last Sun they said how many I'm able to cater for..maybe will involve whole circuit and if I'm not comfortable then decline..apparently a pastor is doing a Chinese meal one of the days..think in May or something..then I asked what he's cooking..she mentioned some beef with ginger and lamb dish...and hv appetiser and dessert too. Forgot what the appetiser was..but dessert was erm..some trifle and she said didn't know Chinese have trifle too! Hahaha. So I told them I'll think about it as in what dishes to whip up...but just an initial thought will be chicken rice and bak kut teh and maybe agar agar for dessert..then I thought cook bee hoon also not bad..can feed the masses and cater to any vegetarians. But I'll need bee hoon supply so maybe after my parents come..haha!

Starting on the Risk Assessment bit for my assignment, which is the 4th of the 6 questions. Took out 1 breast meat to cook tonight to go with my couscous. Then realised I'm only left with 2 thigh pieces in the probably will get some tomorrow (either frozen or fresh ones). Just saw that fresh drumsticks and thighs are on offer this week at Aldi.

Oh ya, A. just told us that his mum will be flying over to be with him for a week...actually his parents came a few weeks back..but this time was sudden cos of the political situation back blessed are we in SG?? Apparently people can get Political Stress Syndrome.

*Added: my dinner! Looks like salmon eh? But it's baked chicken breast and the white sauce is cheese sauce

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