Wednesday, 26 March 2014

White/yellow daffodils

Phew! Survived another full day lecture..great that lecturer shifted the lectures a bit so we ended ard 4pm instead of 5.15pm!! It wasn't just me but some of the class was so boring I tried hard to keep awake!! Lecturers do make a difference!!

Anyway, here are some of my fave daffodils along my way to uni..I love the white and yellow ones more than the yellow and orange ones. They're really lovely! Anyway, the grass patches were tend to have flowers planted now but they look better from afar..haha!

Looking forward to tomorrow cos we'll be having worksite visit a metal factory! It'll be cool!! And our assignment is based on OH services to be proposed to that company. Then we finally decided to go out for sushi tomorrow after class. That's a small group of us instead of the proposed class gathering since people don't like sushi. I suggested to order pizza or something in for fri lunch also as a thank you for the IOEM staff since it's our last day of uni. After that everyone will prob have their own plans to go back to their home country to do dissertation or other towns. But we'll see there's a class gathering. But anyway, looking for tomorrow's..supposedly is conveyor belt buffet..and reviews have been UAE classmate also said the sushi there was good and she's super rich so I think she should be into good food!!

Seems like C didn't go to work today..didn't hear him leave the hse and when I came back, ingredients were on the table like preparing to cook.

The weather seems to be so erratic these days! It hailed a bit today..and now when I look at my toilet and attic window, ice seemed to be on it..looked out of the window and saw cars parked outside are ice capped! Checked weather for London this weekend. It'll be about 14 on Sat and 17 on Sun!!! Arghs..but then on Sat in B'ham, it'll be like 7deg (feels like 5deg). It makes it hard to decide what to wear. Had planned to wear my knitted top and bring my greenish kaki jacket and wear boots..but a bit kua zhang if I wear boots when it's like 17 deg!!! And prob I'll just bring my jacket along cos we'll be out till night on Sat (catching Billy Elliot). Btw, London tends to be warmer than here. Shall check again on Fri.

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