Friday, 31 January 2014

Rainy CNY 1st day

Trust that everyone had a nice gathering on first day of CNY! As planned, woke up ard 5+am to call my mama while most ppl were there..and then my aunt and my ah ma before I went for class. Brought my snack box to share goodies and some of my classmates who realised wished me..which was nice. Though A. is half Chinese, he doesn't even speak Mandarin..haha..and N tried to greet me in Mandarin..haha..he got some greeting phrases in hanyu pinyin and with meanings from his colleague in Indo. Oh, in case u're wondering, I didn't wear the qipao in the end cos looks strange wearing with long sleeves inside...but I wore my short dress with tights. This morning kinda wished L Happy New Year..indirectly telling her is CNY today la..haha..she was still in bed when I left but if she's awake then, she'll just say "have a good day" or something before I leave...hard not to notice since my door is just opposite hers. Oh..and K (landlord from Adl) wished me! Was surprised to receive her greeting! Kinda miss her..K and L are rather different..haha!

Lunch today - Potato Salad

Anyway classes today a bit dry again...after class went to find EISU..managed to find it but there wasn't any itineraries left at the common area and admin office was was a good walk..IN THE RAIN..thankfully I used my umbrella too..anyway weather today was bad since late morning...rained non-stop and strong winds. Not a nice weather for CNY! Luckily no visitation here..haha!

I'm unsure if to start on lit review or assignment. Attempting to start on reading journals for my lit review first..and probably look at assignment next week. Looking forward to skyping my kakis tmr! Anyway the others had a good lunch and gathering in London..saw their photo on whatsapp grp..they had lohei too!

I was planning to have my leftover pasta for dinner tonight then C called me to take chicken out from freezer to defrost while on his way back and said L and I can have it anyway had dinner only at 8pm..Opened the Rosato I bought and offered L&C too. L quite liked it.,she had 2 glasses! I like it too cos it's a bit on the sweeter side! Anyway L asked more about CNY and then they were keen to find out which zodiac they were born in. Realised that K and L are of the same age! But they look and act differently..haha!

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