Monday, 13 January 2014

Back to uni

And today marks the start of my final semester.

Module this week is Occupational Mental Health, which is one of those that I'm looking forward to and had it down during my scholarship application! The module lead seems vv nice - let us vote if we want to increase our word limit for our assignment...and said there's no way that we can write within 1500-2000 words...cos it's psychology..haha! He's quite funny hope can pass the module. Got the assignment questions (choose 1 out of 3) and they seem tough in the sense that a lot of research has to be done..but it's really a Masters level kind of assignment..haha..and I guess after that, I'll have a deeper understanding of whichever topic I decide to do on.

These days I just aim for a pass...after that horrific Tox module results. Today a few classmates were telling the part time classmates (who will take tt module end this year) tt the tutor seemed out of this planet! So it wasn't just me! Hahaha! Anyway, got email that OERA exam results will be out by end of this's now being internally moderated...fearful of the MCQs though I think I got most of the ans for my short ans qns. That was the last exam of the semester and programme.

Earlier this morning went to get the "Request for CAS" form from the Enquiry Services. The person said the earliest they can do is 6 mths before the VISA expires and best 3 mths before. I don't care...I'll do it asap cos it will take time to get a new CAS and then apply for VISA. Filled it up and tmr got to pass to my programme admin to complete the other section. Just saw reply from my HR - she says can go ahead and reimburse me. *relief*

Tmr there's self-study so will bring in laptop to read through articles and maybe decide on the assignment.

Oh ya, the grp of therapists in London (and 1 in Leicester) are meeting for CNY on 31st Jan...too bad I have full day lectures that day so can't join them...but I got tickets to watch Britain's Got Talent that following Mon!

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