Friday, 3 January 2014

Chester booked!

I just finished doing my travel plan for Chester! Yes, I've booked my train tickets for next Tue! I decided to cos I am getting a little bored here already...and the weather forecast next Tue is supposed to be sunny!! Anyway I've plans to check the town out after L told me and seeing some photos online. It'll be an early start cos I booked the train that leaves at 7.15am! And it takes me about 30min bus ride to the station from my place...hah..but I will be back in B'ham at 4+pm. After planning out my route, seems like quite a lot to see there...cos I wanted to add in Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet too..but shall see how things go. I'll just go and explore Chester and if have time then add in the Designer Outlet cos it takes about 1h ride return.

Today didn't do much...cos weather forecast is supposed to be windy and there's travel warnings across UK. But the sun shoned into my room while I was on my laptop this morning. Finished watching the 8th episode of Home Decor Survivor Series 5 (that's the latest on catchup too). Managed to watch part 2 of Celebrate TV 50 on xinmsn..not sure why some videos can be viewed cos I also watched "The Place We Live In".

Tomorrow's forecast is showers again..and Sun is no right guesses where I'll be...haha!

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