Friday, 31 January 2014

Rainy CNY 1st day

Trust that everyone had a nice gathering on first day of CNY! As planned, woke up ard 5+am to call my mama while most ppl were there..and then my aunt and my ah ma before I went for class. Brought my snack box to share goodies and some of my classmates who realised wished me..which was nice. Though A. is half Chinese, he doesn't even speak Mandarin..haha..and N tried to greet me in Mandarin..haha..he got some greeting phrases in hanyu pinyin and with meanings from his colleague in Indo. Oh, in case u're wondering, I didn't wear the qipao in the end cos looks strange wearing with long sleeves inside...but I wore my short dress with tights. This morning kinda wished L Happy New Year..indirectly telling her is CNY today la..haha..she was still in bed when I left but if she's awake then, she'll just say "have a good day" or something before I leave...hard not to notice since my door is just opposite hers. Oh..and K (landlord from Adl) wished me! Was surprised to receive her greeting! Kinda miss her..K and L are rather different..haha!

Lunch today - Potato Salad

Anyway classes today a bit dry again...after class went to find EISU..managed to find it but there wasn't any itineraries left at the common area and admin office was was a good walk..IN THE RAIN..thankfully I used my umbrella too..anyway weather today was bad since late morning...rained non-stop and strong winds. Not a nice weather for CNY! Luckily no visitation here..haha!

I'm unsure if to start on lit review or assignment. Attempting to start on reading journals for my lit review first..and probably look at assignment next week. Looking forward to skyping my kakis tmr! Anyway the others had a good lunch and gathering in London..saw their photo on whatsapp grp..they had lohei too!

I was planning to have my leftover pasta for dinner tonight then C called me to take chicken out from freezer to defrost while on his way back and said L and I can have it anyway had dinner only at 8pm..Opened the Rosato I bought and offered L&C too. L quite liked it.,she had 2 glasses! I like it too cos it's a bit on the sweeter side! Anyway L asked more about CNY and then they were keen to find out which zodiac they were born in. Realised that K and L are of the same age! But they look and act differently..haha!

Thursday, 30 January 2014



It snowed today! Couldn't take a nice pic cos it didn't snow v heavily when I was on my way to uni and when it did, we were in class so couldn't take pic. By the time we had break, the snow stopped! Anyway I was excited to be in the snow..and was just in awed and thankful to the Lord for such a beautiful sight! When it snowed heavily, it felt like Christmas! Haha!

Well, tonight planned to cook gnocchi but when I cooked it, it tasted funny so threw the whole lot away and cooked penne instead. Looks like I've to buy fresh gnocchi instead of the "dried" ones. I realised that cabbage indeed goes very well with bacon..cos I cooked the bacon then added cabbage..then stir fry the mushrooms..then added mixed vege and cheese sauce.

And I prepared my snack box for tomorrow! Took the nuts out first in case they go soft overnight cos of the other stuff...I'm looking forward to it! I made potato salad for my lunch tomorrow too..enough of ham and cheese sandwich for the past 4 days..haha!

Managed to call home during my break while my family was having their reunion dinner...else will be too late to call when I reach home.

Got to wake up earlier to call my 2 grandmas cos I doubt I'll want to stay up tonight. In case I haven't said, I am homesick...have been homesick since Christmas's usually during such festive periods that you just wanna be with your loved ones.

Oh ya, I realised that there's a bus to Solihull from Selly Oak...L recommended there to me before for shopping..and I checked out, it has a huge shopping centre..shops similar to Bullring though. Then saw that they will be having their Farmers' Market next if I manage to get either my lit review or assignment done, I'll prob check it out. Still undecided if I should go into town for the CNY celebrations on Sun...doubt I will though cos bus is 30min interval..haha..decide later on.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014


Happy Chinese New Year eve to all!!

Went in Uni early today to look for the EISU to pick up a hard copy of the itinerary for my day trip 2 weeks later...then I realised how far it was and decided to head back in case I was late for class! Shall look for it another time.

Morning lectures were quite interesting cos more relevant for me..then afternoon was on Occupational Asthma and Asbestos...was a bit sleepy in the afternoon..haha! It was rainy towards the afternoon and till now. Had intended to cook gnocchi tonight but class ended ard 4.35pm so decided to just have my frozen bibimbap. Stopped at Iceland to buy bacon, carrots and gummies...popped to Home Bargains to get more curry sauces to stock up. In the end, came back and L&C were at home already...maybe L was off today..anyway, she bought marked down soup for me..only 35p for 600ml..chicken and sweet corn soup. So I just cooked spaghetti and ate with it instead of my bibimbap. Will cook gnocchi tmr since class is supposed to end at 4.15pm..hope it will end early!

Oh, I decided to make a small snack box with nuts and gummies for Fri and share since it's CNY! I'm still deciding if to wear my qipao but it'll be sooo strange..hahaa! Think I'll end up not wearing it on Fri...

Tonight supposed to reach -1degC..and tomorrow forecast is 4degC max.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Chicken curry

Today's classes were more interesting...lecturers really play a part..haha! Anyway, this module really ties in nicely why I'm studying Occ Health..haha! This afternoon we had audiometry practical too. This is what Drs use to test a person's hearing ability.

Class ended 15 min earlier and we were happy..cos it was still bright! Anyway I only took about 35 min from when I stepped out of class to my doorstep! And so I cooked chicken curry as planned with the pack of vindaloo curry and newly-bought curry powder. Yums! Loved it! Added cabbage too..

Offered L & C too and I think they offered some to neighbour's mother who came over too. Read that the neighbour had passed away. I only know or rather talked to his mother before..never met that man before but I heard is cos he drank too much  alcohol and had some medical condition. Shall check later if there's leftover..else will just cook something simple tomorrow. Anyway the frozen chicken drumsticks tasted ok so maybe I'll buy that next time...since I usually freeze the fresh chicken thighs or parts when I buy them. Oh yes, and I had prata too! They call it paratha here..

Monday, 27 January 2014

1st day of module

Today is the 1st day of a new module: Effect of Work on Health. Went in Uni earlier to borrow book from the library. This time, managed to snap a pic of the zone I was at to get the book.

Anyway today till thur and the following week mon-thu we are in a new room...and this is the scenery from the window...pretty nice...only think is a staff access card is needed to activate the lift. Class was so-so..lecturers today nt v interesting..haha..mumble to themselves or accent too hard to grasp.

Oh, during break time, I asked A. if Ming Moon Chinese Restaurant was good cos saw that he went there with his thai friends. And he told me it's good..and cheap..buffet lunch only 7.99! He said hv crab somemore! I am vvv keen to try..not sure if N is ok to try on Mon..else shall wait for ppl to come then try there...

Class ended earlier so went to Aldi as planned...but went to the Selly Oak one cos wanted to check if there was wong bok but no..cartons were empty so I'm not sure if they were sold out. Anyway, managed to buy frozen chicken portions. I must be blur..chose a pack with mostly drumsticks..hmmm..but never mind, it's still cheap. Shall try cooking tmr and see if there's any difference in taste. Thinking of cooking curry tomorrow. Also bought cabbage and sugar snap peas. The peas were 89p for 150g..seems more ex than SG. I miss leafy vege...saw xiao bai cai at that Aldi was 79p for 2 xiao bai cais..see if I'm too gian then may buy end of this week.

Poppy pooed on the carpet again and I tried cleaning the 3 spots but didn't quite work..but after that they seemed to be less visible. Ate my leftover porridge...and C cooked fish curry with he thinks is haddock..his first time. Not bad, I must say...but I think L will find it tooo spicy! I left a lemon tart flavour yoghurt on her shelf in the fridge..if she wanna add in..haha..but I still miss my fish head curry!

Did referencing for the journal articles I found yesterday for my lit review after I came do something productive..haha! Oh, and I found out today that my mum and I are using the exact same brand and type of shampoo now. Such a coincidence! And guess what? It costs about 1/5th of the price in SG!! Can't believe it!

Hope I won't be too tired to cook curry chicken drumsticks tmr..using curry sauce and maybe adding more curry powder since I'm cooking more chicken than directions of 500g.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

broken cup

Had a bad dream last night that I failed my assignment. Grrr...had to log on to check my results again to reassure myself. Anyway this morning broke L's espresso cup when it fell out of the cupboard. Damn suay lor..I was putting back the toaster and the wire caught the other side of the cupboard and it fell out!!! Was v apologetic to L and I went online to see if can buy it...but it's apparently limited edition! Usually sold in 6s but she only had one so might have been a gift. Anyway on sale is a new series now. Arghs...felt so bad though L said it's ok. But sometimes u never know what people really think. Moreover I've broke Poppy's bowl too. Actually cos it broke into 2 large pieces, could've been mended but L threw it away.  Anyway prob can find something similar if I go travelling. Sigh.

This morning through to midday was rainy and windy. Went to church as usual today and I was pleasantly surprised that they chose most of the hymns to be sung today from my list! So I was thrilled to be able to sing familiar hymns. Today's reading was from Ecclesiastes 3 and here's a bit of it from verses 1-8.

"There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace."

Came home and continued my search for journals for my lit review. Then the previous tenant M came over..and had lamb ard 4+pm..then was around to "entertain". I probably more introvert...don't quite like to make small talk or engage in such conversations...I just felt like she was able to connect more with L..talking about fashion and trends etc..different kinds of conversations from between L and I. So I felt quite like an extra there. M has a bollywood-themed birthday party coming up in 2 weeks. I hope she doesn't invite me...but she mentioned that all of us should go. I dunno..shall see if I can excuse myself. I mean..I don't know her that well...and I don't like parties esp when there's MANY people.

Tmr's the start of another 2-week long module with a break in between. Starts at 9am tmr...oh and there's chance of snow tonight but I guess I'll be sleeping.

Saturday, 25 January 2014


Had something different breakfast today!
Redbush tea with milk, jam donut and crispbread with cheese spread (salmon and dill flavour)

Had no intention to go out today but cos it looked like sunny weather, I decided to go Aldi to find my prawns and buy chicken portions. Then when on the bus, I decided to check out Handsworth, which is the middle eastern area cos the other time saw the shop there selling fruits quite cheap. End up only got a packet of hot curry powder and 4 granny smiths apples (by weight and it was 83p) but v fresh.

Then stopped at LiDL (another supermart that has v few outlets and the other time I went to one when I was in Scotland and their stuff seemed cheap) but didn't get anything cos I still think Aldi prices are lower.

When I reached Bearwood, the sky was getting darker and it looked like it was going to rain..went in to a small supermart and saw Haagen Dazs cream brulee was only £1.50 for the big tub! And Magnum mini the lemoncello one was £1.75..thought about it while I went Aldi first. Guess what? Aldi didn't have anymore fresh chicken thighs or even legs left on their shelves!! No frozen tiger prawns too. bought bread and rice (half left but my mummy says CNY must have more than enough in the house..hahaa!). And then it poured really was a while later that I saw the streets outside was white while I was in the queue!! And people were talking saying it's hailing!

Stayed in there for a while then went back to the other small supermart and bought potatoes. Managed to resist myself for the ice creams cos they were not the ones I really really want. Felt cold while waiting for the buses and kinda regretted heading out...came home, dried myself and things and sat next to heater.

Tonight C was supposed to cook lamb but apparently he changed his mind to cook tmr cos they invited previous tenant over tmr. Grrr..didn't tell me till I went down to prepare to cook...waited and decided to just cook some porridge last min with my frozen-up sweet and sour chicken. Was pissed la..know how to borrow hp charger from me and usually not returning till the next day or 2 days!!! Of course, I can always ask from him back but I shall be nice and tolerate. He doesn't know I've a spare and not intending to tell him either. If he asks or mentions I'll say that I've been using my portable charger and use laptop to charge. He said he's getting new charger..then just yday said he's gg to get a phone. Who knows! L is quite right to say he makes ppl not want to be generous towards him sometimes. Anyway offered L porridge (they call congee) cos didn't know C went out to da bao chinese..and she ordered spare ribs and offered me. I must say, they're quite nice..marinade is quite nice so I guess I kinda know what to choose if ONE DAY I'll do chinese takeaway.

Friday, 24 January 2014

no wong bok :(

Submitted my assignment today! Pray hard it goes well! Or at least pass!

Anyway new module next week..the last 20-credit module lasting 2 weeks but there's a break in between. Module is "Effects of Health on Work and Fitness for Work"...2nd week there're talks by PT and OT on fitness for work..and there's also a site visit to Driving Assessment Centre on the last day of the module ie. 14 Feb!! It'll be interesting I hope! Assignment is a 2500-3000 word essay. As classes are not within our usual building on Mon-Thu, our admin staff offered to meet us at the entrance 10min before class and before lunch ends. Sounds quite mafan...

This morning scrubbed my shower stall and cleaned windows...haha..macam mini spring cleaning! Oh, then A. suggested to N to invite us to his place to have a cooking session together..and I was asked to cook chicken rice..haha..and I asked for pad thai. It'll be v fun if it does happen. Seems that another classmate is staying with N total of 3 of them staying tog.

Late morning, decided to go to the Korean supermart to get Wong Bok and then Aldi nearby to get frozen tiger prawns. Alas! None of them were available...only had radish. So went to ASDA instead. Bought a pack of 5pcs jam donuts (I was not quite a fan of jam donuts till I had one here! Haha..sinful but yumsss), philadelphia cheese spread with salmon and dill, yoghurt, frozen prata and mushrooms. Oh, and I got a pack of ready to cook marinated chicken wings too..for tonight's dinner..and maybe tmr if there're leftovers. Either tmr or Sun will go to my usual Aldi to buy potatoes, bread, chicken, carrots and frozen prawns. I was quite looking forward to having prawns so was quite disappointed when that Aldi didn't have. Pray hard the Bearwood one has cos that's where I saw the other time.

Came home and watched "Last Vegas" online...I finally download the player!

Thursday, 23 January 2014

98% done!

Hmm..4th day that I've not been out and 6 days working on my assignment. More or less done now..probably will read through one last time before submitting over the weekend.

Yesterday got an email from uni's Taught Student Admin asst saying official end date is Oct when results are released...haha! Was a little amused la..cos actually I just wanted the official end date to show my HR my last day I need to be here. Will be a luxury and exploiting if I really say Oct lor! Anyway, just going to clarify with HR which they want and if my bond starts when I return or only when I get MSc. Deed only says upon completing the course.

Anyway prob will head out tomorrow - not sure where yet though. Checked out Wolverhampton and I realised that there's a Patisserie Valerie there! Not tt I'm gian of it now la..but good to know nearer B'ham has. Checked out supermarkets online catalogues too to see what to buy for this week. I almost forgot but I should get the frozen tiger prawns I saw at Aldi some time ago! It's CNY next fri!!

Still can't decide which area to go tmr...I'll definitely have to go Aldi and ASDA for different things..and maybe korean supermart if I want my wong bok and pork ribs (hopefully don't increase price cos of CNY!). Not intending to do shopping tmr...was even thinking if I should go into city to check out the indoor market and see hw decorated Chinatown is..the indoor market sells quite cheap fruits,vege or fish or meat..but tmr's Fri..sure crowded! Prob think about it and decide tmr.

Just happened to google CNY in Birmingham and yes, there's celebration on 2 Feb! And even fireworks! so maybe no need to go Chinatown tmr..haha!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Apple puff and tea

Didn't have wifi last night cos L asked C to set up the new modem (called Super Hub) but then didn't couldn't watch my 9pm show nor blog. End up read more articles for my assignment. I don't know if to include ALL the studies findings that CBT works..but it's so textbook method..and tutor said need to critique. There's too much to write but I can't put everything in. Though tutor said can exceed word limit, I don't want to end up with double of the word limit!

Anyway yesterday used the apple tt the church members gave. Made apple puff with the puff pastry I bought (it's really puffy!!) and left over apples went into apple tea..haha!

Oh ya, yday I booked the day trip to Stratford and Warwick Castle organised by the EISU in Uni for intl was only £16 including admission to the castle. So I'll be gg on 15 Feb..that will be the end of a module and to prepare for assignment submission..I probably can make do with a day to enjoy. 

I was counting..I'm only left with about 2.5 months before the taught modules finish!! And there're 4 more modules to go and my literature review is due end Feb!!! It'll be a very stressful next 2.5 months...sigh..but I should be thankful cos I'm purely studying and not working and studying at the same time.

Anyway today I called to activate the wifi after L gave me the account number. Then I continued working on my assignment...hopefully can finish by tmr. A. was complaining over grp chat that he's having psychological distress from this assignment..HAHA! Cooked sweet and sour chicken with the sauce I bought some time ago and the leftover roast chicken. So-so taste la..maybe I should try the black bean sauce one. Anyway, I haven't stepped out of the house since Sun afternoon. I guess I'll stay home tmr too...then maybe Fri do my grocery shopping.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Delayed mail, festive deco and CBT, CBT, and more CBT!

Frosty morning today..but throughout the day, opened room windows to get some cold...haha! Washed my bedsheets and laundry today.

Anyway spent today working on my assignment - started writing the assignment in parts. There's still loads to read..and I doubt I'll finish it so just picking up the impt ones. Anyway realised the stuff my classmate passed me included some websites of like and other not-so credible sources..but I've loads from my searches also.

Today L told me to let Poppy out to do bizzie every 2 hourly..grrrr...anyway I did and Poppy knows what I will do if she doesn't go out and do bizzie...cos I'll pull and then carry her out. I got a mail today!! Luckily the stuff was in plastic cos Poppy managed to chew off the corner of the envelope. I saw the was dated 31 Dec 2013!! How efficient is the mail service here...

So festive hor? hahaa..I dunno where to put..maybe stick to my door but the only I see..haha..

Anyway finished up my toffee popcorn (that I opened in Scotland) and then opened the potato chips to snack while I did my assignment...bad habit..haha..but else I also won't have much chance to eat it. Maybe tmr will make the apply puff pastry...lazy to do's like not enough time for my assignment!!

Time seemed to pass so quickly's dark already..time check: 4.50pm. Arghss...CBT, CBT, and more CBT!!! Can I download all the info, process and then type out like computer processor? My little brain is so slow to cope! Shall read a last article then have my leftover pork ribs..prob will cook spaghetti or noodles with my new mini wok and then watch a bit of TV then watch catch-up TV.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Mini wok, Rosato, Baked pork ribs

Asked L this morning if I can buy a mini wok..and she said do/buy whatever I want. She wasn't a bit concerned about where to store!

It was a beautiful day today! Went to Uni chaplaincy today...end up my classmate who wanted to join..probably last minute decided to go to Manchester. Anyway it was nice to see everyone again but I guess the reserved me didn't really talk much to others too. Had soup and plain roll for refreshment..and brought 3 organic cooking apples home. The Polish couple at church brought a box of them..from their apple tree!

That's Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the path I take to walk to/from Harborne

After that went to Aldi at Bearwood..and yes, I bought the mini wok though it's small...I can cook soup or noodles in it rather than using the existing soup pot which non-stick layer peeling off. I bought sultanas and ready rolled puff pastry (intending to make some apple pie)..and I bought myself a bottle of Rosato too! Just felt in the mood to buy some wine..haha! Haven't opened it yet...

Spent the rest of the afternoon searching for stats on extent of mental health illness in UK and reading my articles. Opened my dried finally! I bought before my Scotland trip, brought it there and back without opening it..hahaa! Realised the last time I had dried cranberries was when I was in Msia!

Anyway tonight cooked pork ribs..opened the korean seasoning sauce I bought for marinating meats like beef short ribs. Added garlic and some black pepper. It was yummy! Offered L and she had 2 (she had some lamb rice that C cooked already) and she said I cook them well =) 2nd time I cooked ribs and she tried already.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

journals, journals and more journals

These are the photos of the cupcakes from yesterday! YES! Wifi has been restored at I don't have to stay in library tmr after church...Praise the Lord!

I made myself nice breakfast of ham and soft-boiled egg on toast..L commented I'm having an egg today and I replied her, it's Saturday! Haha..u might think no link..but mind you, it's after a week-long of uni.

Spent today reading through the CBT journal articles...oh man! When I realised that wifi was back on then I got distracted..haha! But I still managed to read about 8...grrr...and then I went to search on the lecturers who did CBT with of them, as I suspected, is OT-trained! Cos her qualifications was written COT and SROT..later found out it stands for Certified OT and State Registered OT.

Anyway, I took out pork ribs for tonight but C came back and said he's cooking my fave kept back in the fridge..will cook tmr instead.

I've registered for Singapore Day on 29 March! SK told the group about it and I just registered for it since it's FOC. Registered for SK too..seems tt she's put on waiting list cos she's PR! Checked train tix..if I go early on Sat morning and back late afternoon on Sun, it'll prob cost like £10 only..I've class on that the last class of the whole programme and the assignment (a field visit report) will be due on the following Fri on 4 I guess I'll just spend the weekend there. Will prob decide next week after I finish my assignment. I'm sure I'll be invited to bunk with my friend/s in London..haha!

Anyway I took the Aldi booklet yesterday and saw the offers inside..they will be selling a mini wok for only £4.99 and I'm tempted to's about 20cm in diameter. Maybe will decide when I see the actual thing. Have to ask L if ok to buy also cos I'll likely be putting in the kitchen..but I've found a spot to put..tog with the frying pan.

And I saw this interesting bit...Singapore-inspired curry...since when?!

And there's more! Asian keropok on offer!

Anyway in the booklet, it also says CNY is on 31 Jan! That explains the asian foodstuff offers.

Dinner was really good!! And it seems that C went on a shopping spree with L just now..and I jokingly asked if he was going to do a fashion show...and L asked on my behalf...and he really did! We had quite a laugh!! He was in a good mood today!

Friday, 17 January 2014


Pics frm yday..full rainbow sighted outside our college building when classes ended...but couldn't take the full rainbow..


Potato and leek canned soup with fresh vege and chicken
Today was the final day of the Module teaching!! I felt relieved cos I have been waking up earlier than the alarm I set, fearful of being late! So at least tmr can sleep till i 自然醒!

Anyway as promised by my tutor yday, he will bring some cakes in today..and he did another classmate who bought cupcakes from a bakery at Harborne high street. I had wanted to try them but chose Cafe Boutique that day. I uploaded the photos here before I left uni but they don't seem to be appearing. Prob upload them again tmr. She was so sweet to poke little flags of words related to our module! But they were too sweet for my liking..and I wasn't the only one who commented!

Cls ended early today so I came home, out down my laptop and went Aldi to get honey, pasta and milk. End up realised they had changed their super 6 got tomatoes and potatoes too..and I got a pack of gnocchi too..ya..can guess hw heavy it was..but I walked back frm further bus stop..quite therapeutic to walk.

came home and didn't feel like starting on my reading cos a while later will be having ended up vacuuming my room, toilet and one less task to do tmr. Tmr or weekend or early next week will have to wash my bedsheets and laundry..

End up L didn't know wifi had problems..I assumed she knows cos C knew. She only said tt her contract was ending and she was gg to call them to enquire too but couldn't get them last night. She said should be sorted by tmr.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

wifi still down

Photos from yday..

i'm using my small little hp to blog now. Today's lectures were alright...after cls we were greeted with a full rainbow just as we stepped out of our college building. It was beautiful!!! Oh..n my clsmate might be joining me for church this Sun to try out. 

oh..checked my OeRA results online just 2hrs ago..phew  I passed! Not v high marks but at least I passed. Both A. and N got higher than me but N was just 1mark more. Well, I am not surprised..after all, they are Drs..the smart ppl..but vv thankful to Him cos I passed! Now we are worried about this module's assignment..I
it's like a mini dissertation..but I'm sure He will see me through.  This time I will draw out the outline and structure before I start writing so that I can organise my thoughts.

Came home and saw tt Poppy had pooed on the wooden part of the floor..and didn't notice another small poo on the floor mat and step a bit on it..cleaned it up.on my slippers  then after tt she vomitted on the carpet. .grrr..dunno hw to clean so smsed L. After tt C came back and he cleaned up the mess, swearing as he was doing it. Must be the chicken she had yday..maybe stomach not used to it after having more dog food than human food lately.

Oh..another Irish excolleague finally confirmed her wedding date! It will be in mid april so I guess I will be heading to Ireland then! Heard another Irish excolleague and an ST colleague are attending too but dunno them bv well. Now sure if she's inviting my other OT colleague in London. Shall see hw..anyway i'm keen to see tulips in Holland will be I think late march to end may or something like tt..wonder if anyone is keen?? But then again, I will hv to settle my case they keep my passport then. Im still awaiting for the CAS request form to be signed by my dept then pass it back to ISAS. After getting CAS then can apply for VISA. .hope it won't be too long a process! 

Finally tmr is fri!! Can't wait to the weekend so can sleep without having to worry about oversleeping. But of course, it means I hv to do my assignment n household chores and grocery shopping. Happy weekend, everyone! Hope wifi will be resolved by weekend..else I have to go in Uni next week :-(

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

wifi problem

In case I can't connect well to wifi tonight, just blog now. Came into uni earlier to use wifi. Had planned to do a bit of research first at home before coming into Uni...but just as well..don't know what happened to wifi..says connected but can't open webpage nor send or receive anything!

Classmate passing me some articles he found online on nice..but there's like 3000+ items including websites. Scaryy...I got to pick and choose the relevant ones but it saves my time to do another search. Got to thank the Lord for such lovely classmates around me =P

*added: seems that wifi is down cos L's contract ending or sth..C tried to use his SKY (cable) acc to log on but can't.  So I guess I won't have wifi on my laptop for some time - have bought data plan on my hp today cos I can't be uncontactable frm my family back home. If it doesn't resolve by weekend, I might have to stay in uni lib on sun after church since I will be gg in uni.

Had an interesting morning lecture today on Occ Mental Illness..the lecturer was v engaging..and reminds us of Morgan Freeman! He's a psychiatrist at QE hospital.  Afternoon had a lecture on suicide..morbid right? But I learnt that there had been many cases of suicide from the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco!

Came home and saw 2 mails for me! One was from SG church and another was from my aunt who sent 2 cards-in-1 ..bday and CNY and she got my relatives to sign them! So sweet!!!

L came back from grocery shopping in the evening after I had my dinner and she's such a bargain-hunter! She managed to get whole roast chicken for £1.99!!! So nice of her to get me one too..I paiseh I portioned it and froze them..she also got some jam donuts and white choc raspberry cake and offered me. I said shes spoiling me and guess what she ans..she said u r worth being spoilt..awwww right? Then she asked of if it was mybirthday..she prob guessed frm the mail I got..then said it was sunday and she said no good that I didn't tell them.'s just another day..besides they were nt on good terms that day! Then told her I had a slice of cake frm the cafe at high st as bday cake lor.

Anyway since there's no wifi at home, I'm forced to read my CBT articles. .and I used my hp to type all lengthy!

Oh ya..didn't manage to meet my thesis supervisor cos her previous mtg overran. I thought I had met at wrong venue so dropped her email then she said..n added that she saw my work and looks ok to proceed. But I told her I might need lots of guidance cos is my first time doing research alone!

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


Icy roads today...and temp was abt 0°C! So wore my thick black jacket and walked extra carefully..

Morning lecture on alcohol and drug was so-so..prob cos the lecturer was a bit boring..haha..oh well, then had time for self-study so did a quick lit search on my intended assignment topic on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). It seemed like so much to read and research before doing the assignment. Btw, assignment deadline has been extended to 27th Jan, 9am! Good and bad. I guess I'll spend next week doing it. Anyway then I asked A. which qns he was intending to do and he said the first on Biopsychosocial model and stress. And it's the qns that our tutor gave a bit of hints on while he went through the stress lecture. CBT will only be covered on Thu afternoon and will be done by other lecturers. After tt chatted with another classmate and he was doing CBT too..said cos hv lots of research so easier to write. I'm still undecided.

Tmr lunchtime meeting my dissertation tutor just to make sure I'm on the right track before I start on my lit review. She didn't even know who I was..ha! Cos she doesn't teach us any modules. Anyway later start of classes tmr...but I'll prob work on my assignment research.

Monday, 13 January 2014

Back to uni

And today marks the start of my final semester.

Module this week is Occupational Mental Health, which is one of those that I'm looking forward to and had it down during my scholarship application! The module lead seems vv nice - let us vote if we want to increase our word limit for our assignment...and said there's no way that we can write within 1500-2000 words...cos it's psychology..haha! He's quite funny hope can pass the module. Got the assignment questions (choose 1 out of 3) and they seem tough in the sense that a lot of research has to be done..but it's really a Masters level kind of assignment..haha..and I guess after that, I'll have a deeper understanding of whichever topic I decide to do on.

These days I just aim for a pass...after that horrific Tox module results. Today a few classmates were telling the part time classmates (who will take tt module end this year) tt the tutor seemed out of this planet! So it wasn't just me! Hahaha! Anyway, got email that OERA exam results will be out by end of this's now being internally moderated...fearful of the MCQs though I think I got most of the ans for my short ans qns. That was the last exam of the semester and programme.

Earlier this morning went to get the "Request for CAS" form from the Enquiry Services. The person said the earliest they can do is 6 mths before the VISA expires and best 3 mths before. I don't care...I'll do it asap cos it will take time to get a new CAS and then apply for VISA. Filled it up and tmr got to pass to my programme admin to complete the other section. Just saw reply from my HR - she says can go ahead and reimburse me. *relief*

Tmr there's self-study so will bring in laptop to read through articles and maybe decide on the assignment.

Oh ya, the grp of therapists in London (and 1 in Leicester) are meeting for CNY on 31st Jan...too bad I have full day lectures that day so can't join them...but I got tickets to watch Britain's Got Talent that following Mon!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

icy weather

Thanks to my family and friends' bday greetings!

Today started with an icy capped vehicles and icy roads.

Went to church and brought brownies along..they loved it! Then they told me about York..said I should go in Spring cos the place will be filled with daffodils - lovely sight! Will put that on my list. Anyway it was sunny and nice this morning but turned gloomy in the afternoon.

Came home and worked on my resubmission cos A. replied. V grateful for such helpful classmate. I finally resubmitted it. I believe I'll pass this time, no doubt it's just for the additional 2 marks. I thank the Lord for providing such nice people around me..and my parents' support! Tomorrow's a beginning of a new semester. Let's pray hard all will go well from tomorrow!

There's a big OT celebration at my workplace tmr! Looks exciting! Do drop by if any of u is free!

Cooked myself salmon tonight - I deserve a celebration right?

Saturday, 11 January 2014

early bday gift for myself =)

As the weather forecast says, it's sunny today! Very beautiful day! Went to Harborne High Street to return books and there was a market! I was somemore checking out when the next Farmers Market is happening in Harborne or Moseley. It was quite nice..and even had this display! Mind you, they are REAL!!

then headed to Cafe treat myself to a slice of cake..early bday gift for myself. Had lemon cheesecake and Turkish coffee (the shop is opened by Turkish)...cheesecake was rich and not that sweet so it was lovely! The interior was quite homely too.

After that went to ASDA...bought quite a bit but "forgot" to buy Magnum minis that was on offer..haha..

Friday, 10 January 2014


Stayed home today to do my resubmission. Done and still exceed word limit. Gave up trying to cut down and sent to A. to help me read through. I did away with the headings that the marks were allocated to cos it just doesn't flow when I put the points in. Shall see what A. thinks. I'm hoping to submit it latest by next Fri though deadline given is 24th Jan...but I would wanna concentrate on my next module. Quite excited abt the next module...timetable is out..most days start at 9.30am..and end at 4.30 or later. I would rather we start early and end early lor. Anyway next module is Occupational Mental Health and hv coverage of some psychological tests so should be interesting.

Cooked Bibimbap today and offered L & C. Too bad C said he has eaten while L loved it..said it's nice..but she added her sweet thai chilli sauce..haha! I can't believe it..I took 1.5hr to prepare and cook! Not surprising actually got had to slice the carrots and cucumbers with knife, not grater.
All the ingredients - modified Bibimbap

Tmr I'll head out to return the library books. Didn't get to read the last book "What If" and I doubt I have time to finish it by the due date next Sat. After that prob do my grocery shopping..decided to go ASDA instead this time. Stock up for next week when uni starts. Oh yes, I'm going to treat myself to nice cake and coffee..thinking if to have it tomorrow or Sun. Weather forecast for tmr is sunny while Sun is cloudy with chances of rain in the afternoon.

Thursday, 9 January 2014


Back from Manchester. What a long, tiring day!

Reached the bus stop to wait for the coach 1/2h before departure and the ticket guy let me in first and told the others this lady was here half past 7 (coach was supposed to leave at 8am but was 10min late)..anyway, reached Manchester bus interchange about 20min later than scheduled..the bus stand to take the bus to Trafford Centre was easy to find and I was on the bus within 10min, thanks to its 15min frequency. The bus journey there took about 50min. It's a HUGE shopping mall..but I was attracted to it when I saw online cos of its exterior architecture..and interior too..reminds me of The Venetian in Macau. Anyway, Met R's friend to pass the stuff too! Then she's quite funny...offered to drive me to the entrance of Trafford Centre to take photos but end up not sure which car park to I alighted and walked my way around..heh..vv thankful for her to meet me first before running her errands..else no joke lugging the stuff. I had to carry it like a baby from my place to take bus and then to the coach stop.

Trafford Centre

 Went back to the city after abt an hour...then alighted the bus when I saw the Cathedral..unfortunately it was didn't quite enjoy exploring much...went to John Rylands Library that has a beautiful historic interior!

John Rylands Library

After that walked around, trying to find Chinatown...and finally found it and realised how near I was actually yet I kept walking in the wrong direction (all I had was a paper map of the metroshuttle ie. city shuttle bus route)...I had to then use google maps to guide me out. My batt was running low so was trying to save it though I brought my portable charger.

Chinatown Arch

Central Library
More photos in my online photo album. End up I didn't even try the free city shuttle bus..and I spent about 2h at Manchester Arndale Shopping Mall.
Beef stew with rice - they didn't have anymore couscous

Had beef stew from a cyprian/greek cuisine stall there..good value but after that craved for water like mad..and I was just thinking how nice if I had ice kachang! Anyway, popped to Morrisons near my coach bus stop to get a bottle of juice to quench my thirst. I think is the food lor! Grrr..there's a reason why I don't eat out much! Anyway reached back Bham 20min ahead of schedule which was good!

I personally don't find Manchester that's another city like Bham but with bigger malls and more shops and trams within the city. Some parts remind me of Adelaide actually. I still love Chester and Glasgow and the highlands, of my travels so far!

Going to spend tmr working on my resubmission. A. was so nice to give me honest comments...he msged last night but think the app lagged so only saw this morning...I guess I'll rewrite the whole assignment. My mistake for trying to put the points into the headings. That resulted in my ideas being presented haphazardly. Now I'm a bit worried abt my OERA exam (the last exam I did before my hols) but I believe I had the right points down for the short ans qns..but no confidence for MCQ..

Oh yes, just saw in my email that I got tickets to Britain's Got Talent show on 3rd Feb afternoon! Had requested for them quite some time ago and asked A. and N if they're keen and they sounded v keen. For me, I just wanna go and experience it. Maybe will meet Susan Boyle no. 2?! Anyway that week is rest break for us..according to timetable but dunno if there's any intended tutorial not stated...shall see how!