Tuesday, 26 November 2013


Nothing much to update today except that cls ended after 4.30pm and it was dark outside...so didn't quite dare to walk my usual route to Harborne so waited for the bus. Not a nice feeling to go home from Uni at night =( Even a local complained and said she prefers to go home when there's light! Today's cls was a lot of calculations too.

Bought muesli on my way home...today heating up my leftover green curry that I froze up. L cooked chilli con care last night and left it in crockpot but since she didn't offer me, I shall just settle my own dinner. Not sure what I will cook tmr. Tmr n Thur schedule says cls ends at 4.30pm.

Have been editing my dissertation proposal too...too bad my 2nd boss on overseas leave and other Occ Health Dr didn't reply my email. Shall wait and see..prob have to submit on Thu night unless I bring my laptop in on Fri and submit on campus.

I'm not sure how my shower water temp works...sometimes it's v warm and nice but sometimes it's just barely warm...grrr...can just shiver after shower before I wrap myself with my warm towel.

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