Thursday, 28 November 2013

Salmon dinner!

2nd day of full day lecture. Still have next Tue n Wed to go for the combined lectures. All of us preferred our own little classroom...I mean can really tell the diff between our cls and people from the other course! Anyway, seems that some students from the other course applied for the wrong course and ended up in that course cos tt one is more of risk assessments while ours link to the health effects.

Anyway, had group discussion at lunch time for our presentation tmr..had to "invite" all to sit tog to discuss but we were quite fast cos we had most parts...and since one of the v eloquent clsmates offered to present, we all agreed..haha! Everyone was a bit distracted cos the research proposal is due tmr at 5pm. I've done mine but not sure if it's too big a project to do! But then again cos I did some background reading and there's not much info available so added in to further evaluate the applicability of use in Singapore. So my title now is "The applicability of use of functional assessments in pre-employment screening or fitness to work assessments among healthcare staff in Singapore". Well, the research proposal is not graded but it'll determine if I will be a MSc student or not. And the final mark (worth 60 credits of whole programme out of 100 credits) will be based on the dissertation itself...and Dr Steve says it'll be also if our aims and objectives of the project have been met and if not, explain why not.

Just "Turned In" my assignment. Very funny that they use "turn in" right? I don't know if it's cos it's linked to the plagarism software they use called Turnitin.

Oh, this morning my bro sent a pic of my niece reading her birthday card I sent. Like real lor...but v cute...haha! She's like my brother...haha..maybe the future no. 2 will be like me!! Fyi, according to my mum, I tear books up! Heheehehe! See, it shows my interest in books since young till now!! Well, now I usually read self-help or inspirational or motivational kind of books..hahaha! Anyway postage here is really ex!! Sending a card back home can let me buy a bag of fruits and have change! But the cards here are v nice and VERY affordable!

L told me this morning that she's in Manchester office today and will be back ard 6pm. Too bad I hv lectures..else would've gone with her..hahaa! See if there's any chance in Jan!

Cooked salmon today for dinner! YUMS!!
Thought I should show the skin side up

Then think people usually snap the skin side down..haha!

YAY!!! TGIF tmr!!! Need a good rest. I think I'll likely skip the housewarming the 2 Msian girls are hosting on Sat. I wanna just do some housework and R&R at home. Need to do tutorial qns for next week too..cos Sun I should be gg to church and by right is the Uni Chaplaincy.

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