Tuesday, 29 April 2014

pad thai

Went to get some groceries today..mainly peanuts, beansprouts (yes, tau geh) and prawns to cook my pad thai. I'm leaving chives out and lime but adding lemon juice instead..haha..and adding carrots.

Went to Harborne to buy stamps for postcard and the person told me one is 97p and I was shocked...then he told me increased price since April! Oh well...that's like 10% increase lor! Anyway the guy was trying to have small talk..asked when I'm going back SG after learning that I'm from there..his indian accent was pretty strong though..haha..that's the thing about here. No matter how quiet u may be, ppl will just talk to u can it'll be impolite not to ans! Then passed by the fruit and vege stall and saw that these strawberries were selling for 2 for £1! Each weighs 250g. And they look v fresh! Looking forward to it!

Then went ASDA to get the beansprouts..bought some biscuits and spaghetti too. Too bad the fish marked down today were salmon portions and smoked haddock..no whole fish. After tt took bus to Aldi Bearwood..got prawns, carrots, tomatoes and peanuts.

I'm kinda encouraging PF to come over after her exams..haha! Also told SK she can come too if she wants. We shall see if it happens. And I probably will inform L if it really happens la. Anyway today Poppy peed in the living rm again..and apparently she vomitted in kitchen but L cleaned it up before I went down. Good that L was ard to clean up..from thur I'll have to do it IF she does it! Grrr...just dun fall sick on me la..or anything happen while L is away.

Here's my pad thai..minus chives and tau kwa. Both L and C had it too and cos C ate when he was out, he ate a little..so I have leftovers..but dun seem to see any prawns left..haha!

After dinner, watched a film on tv..Freedom Writers..quite a nice show. Oh anyway L gave me T's hp no. and asked me to text him or ring him so that he has my no. Said he might come at night after work too..but he'll ring me before he comes it seems.

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