Sunday, 20 April 2014

Blessed Easter!

 Blessed Easter, everyone!!

Woke up ard 9.50am this morning though I set my alarm at 9.30am..must have slept through! And I went to bed ard 10pm last night!! But great that I decided to go nearby church today.

And so I brought my digicam along to take pics of the church..forgot to take the close up of the deco at the door that says "From Singapore" but can prob see as a backdrop. They made me distribute the butterflies to everyone too ;) And James and Sarah are getting married this Sat...and it's lovely that the church presented them with this cross stitch frame! They just attended the services for a couple of weeks only..and coincidentally, they work in my uni. Great couple!

This is Christine..I think she's a pastor or charge of the church and does services too

And this is with her sister, Mary
Decorated the butterflies

I got a choc bunny from Christine & Mary!
Came home and put laundry to wash before leaving hse wanting to go to Aldi to get stuff. End up it was not open. I assumed it was cos they had offers for tmr so I assumed they were open over Easter weekend. Anyway just went to a jak pa lang shop to get toothbrushes..then came home. Was rainy today after back to winter days :S
stuck butterflies to my room window..hehe

Here are some photos PF sent to me and my own from the trip...
Us at Guinness storehouse

don't worry, I didn't drink the whole pint!!
Irish pub dinner

Us with the groom's siblings and P's mum

Cheers to Irish Whiskey offered on day tour!
Scene from Braveheart

Climbed up the's not as low as you think it is..

See its height

Cliffs of Moher - see how windy it was!
Us at River Liffey at night

We were the first to reach church!

Us in church

Ex-colleague and Speech Therapist colleague who was P's ex flatmate

That's us with the newly weds outside the church!!
Us with newly weds in hotel reception

Love this selfie of us with cherry blossoms!! This was taken at a church graveyard near the hotel..haha!
At St Stephen's Green (park) in Dublin city
And then to P's parents farmhouse! It takes 1.5h drive from Dublin.
That's JJ

The hen named after me!
Introducing me and PF..yes, P's parents named them after us!!

On castle ground

That's P's mum on our morning walk to see the lake

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