Saturday, 10 May 2014


Strange weather today. Forecast was heavy rain but it was sunny for a some time then heavy rain started then sunny again then heavy rain. Erratic. Anyway realised I forgot to switch off my hp when I went to bed last night so saw tt I had a missed call at 1+am! Heng I wasn't woken up by it.

Neighbour din come by today either (later saw him with his camping equipment walking back to his house!) but T came and took her out for a while. He said he may or may not come back later cos Sat usually busy at his restaurant. Anyway showered Poppy again (after T left) n combed her hair (to tie her fringe up to see her eyes!!) cos I spent 1.5h vacuuming the place (except their bedroom) and cleaning the glass tabletop and windows. Cannot stand Poppy running ard with dirty feet and not smelling nice. Then worked on my articles most of the rest of the day. Did up the headings required for the thesis and then read how to extract the data from article. So far only did 2. I had done abt 30+ earlier on but have to re-read cos I don't really rem the info and I've to make sure I pick out the right ones to include in my review! Think it'll be quite a long process!! I hope I don't do the other way round..I am tempted to come up with the discussion and findings bit before going through the process of selecting articles.

L called finally ard 2.30pm and asked what time it is here. I had already put Atlanta in my hp world clock to see the's 5 hr behind here. So anyway she asked how I have been, how Poppy is and things at home. And asked if Poppy made a told her honestly lor. Told her I showered and tied hair for Poppy too and she sounded surprised..then said I'm a good girl. HAHA! Anyway I think they really 赚到! They don't have to get a house and dog sitter while they are away and yet get paid rent!! When I mentioned to O (my classmate) over whatsapp that I've become a house n dog sitter, he said hope I get paid. Haha..anyway, I learnt of these terms when I was in time K told me about it cos her older son did tt before when he was studying. I just googled how much they site says basic rate £33/day including food allowance and supplement per dog £1.85/day but some sites say at no cost in exchange for free lodging. Let's see what L will do when she's back. Haha! And I won't be ard much in June too. Anyway not v hopeful la. Guess they'll prob just get me a gift.

Tmr is Mother's Day but it is Sun already for those reading this back home! So Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! Esp my mum and aunt (who's has been like my 2nd mother but refuse to acknowledge me as god daughter cos our age gap too close =X). Tomorrow will be bringing the Daim cake to church..hope I rem. Also gg to do the 2nd reading..first time in this church..

Oh ya, started watching <<拥抱着太阳的月亮>> yesterday..not bad..quite funny at some parts and educational cos there's explanation of some korean traditions. The actors and actresses v pretty!!

Tonight gg to cook pasta cos I wanna use up the bacon..then I suddenly craved for my mum's steamed chicken rice..and will cook that on Mon since I've to start using up the soy sauce, kecap manis, oyster sauce, sesame oil etc that I have. But instead of using dried mushrooms, I'll use white mushrooms cos I didn't buy..also didn't buy lap cheong..nvm la..try and see how it turns out on Mon!

*Added: Here's my pasta!

And this is the Bratwurst I bought from Aldi..quite nice!

 And yesterday P sent my pic of her dinner set up..the chopsticks as wedding gift by me and another colleague and the placemat hand crochet by PF!

PF also did crochet hair ties and let me nice of her..then was telling her can sell!! Requested for a butterfly one too..hehe!

And here's a pic of Poppy eating her chew stick on her "bed" in kitchen..this can be called her "treats bed"!

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