Saturday, 3 May 2014

lazy Saturday

V jialat! It shows how long I can sleep if I'm not disturbed! I jumped out of bed again today..woke up like yesterday..but today I brushed teeth n get dressed before gg down. Watch telly and read newspapers on laptop downstairs..wanted to wait for neighbour..but he didn't appear at all! In the end T called to check and I told him no neighbour so Poppy hasn't gone to the park but she went to the garden by herself when he called (probably to do business). He came by later to bring her to the park. Oh before that, I made her eat her "dinner". Threw away the one that I left yday evening. V wasteful. Anyway, I realised that dog food isn't v ex here..less than a pound! So anyway I added ham for her and she cleverly managed to pick out just the ham! Grrr..anyway, she didn't pee in the house this morning too..phew! Every morning I'm like checking mine field..hahaha!

Vacuumed the hse today and called my grandma..then continued with my readings but kinda distracted. Poppy seemed tired after T left and she came up to my room quite often today...but when I wanna play with her, she didn't seem interested. I guess she wants ham. *shake head*

Tmr gg to the Lutheran service in Uni. It's been quite long since I last went! Think prob abt a month? Hopefully can take some pics of flowers in uni also. It is a sunny day today..v sayang that I'm indoors..but I usually stay home on weekends to beat the crowd or less frequent bus services.

Cooking Emperor Chicken tonight with chicken pieces. Probably cook porridge too so I can have my bombay mix or nuts with it! Not forgetting my red cabbage.

It'll be Korean drama marathon tonight till sleeping time..hehe

*Added: Here's my Emperor Chicken and red cabbage...the red cabbage lak sek until quite jialat..

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