Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Was woken up briefly at 1+am but managed to sleep back.

Another foggy morning today with temp less than 10°C. Wore gloves to keep my hands warm on my way to Uni. On my way back it was much better. I didn't need scarf nor gloves.

Ate bread for breakfast and heated up the cinnamon roll L let me try (frozen when bought I guess). The custard was a bit too sweet for my liking. Cos I bought wholemeal bread this time and the slices are thinner, my bread seems to be only half or 1/3 gone! Baked the chilled pie to pack for my lunch.

Cinnamon roll

Pic of the thermos food jar L said I could use
Anyway, lectures today was quite ok..good to have A. to explain to N. and I. I've returned stats to my teachers already!!! Then at lunch, H. (the girl whom I don't really like in my small group) asked me over to where she was sitting..then she took out a paper bag and asked if I put make up. Then I asked if I look like someone who puts on make up! Haha..cos I didn't know what or why she wanted to give me stuff. Then she said cos she bought stuff and was given make up foundation which are beige..not her skin colour. So she wanted to give to me if I use. Wah..I was a bit surprised thanked her and accepted. I'm not the only fair skinned asian in cls, by the way! I guess cos she prob knows our small grp people better and the other lady is also black.

Did the group presentation with another was ok cos I know what was going on. The group presentations were fun cos we came up with funny research questions and then discussed about our methodology as a group. This is in preparation for our individual dissertation outline presentation next fri. Yes, we have to come up with our dissertation outline by next Fri to present!! I guess I'll have to do it over the weekend.

Wanted to buy honey on my way back cos felt like body becoming heaty, throat becoming walked to supermarts along High St after sch. In the end bought a pack of celery for 50p from Iceland and I guess I'll get honey when I next go Tesco or other bigger supermarts where there's more choices. Thanks to ad, I'll be getting my supply of ikan bilis and tonic ingredients soon!

When I reached home, saw 2 things on my door handle that (finally) came off and a pot. Asked L if the pot was for my plant when she came home and she said yes! Haha..I actually wanted to go to Home Bargains to look for pot but when I was there, I totally forgot about it!! Sign of ageing! As for the door handle, L says will fix it..explained that cos the doors are not solid screw can't stay in place. Anyway, the ambulance was here again and another was a National Health Service (NHS) equipment van..saw a man delivering a commode to next door neighbour. If only SG has such service..usually is the vendor..not govt agency. People get free healthcare services here. But I heard though seeing Dr won't cost $, buying medication can come up to quite a lot!

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