Monday, 23 September 2013

Day 3 - cool weather

Finally Mon when the bank opens. Opened an account with them..the lady was v friendly. I think people here are generally very friendly (except for certain people like the guy behind the rail station counter!).

After tt took the bus down to the bigger Tesco that L told me about. Managed to find it..yea, it's bigger but sells more food than other items! Managed to get hangers which were not cheap (6 for S$4.50) and more convenience food. I got a lasagne which I can pop into the oven for S$3.20 (it was on half price offer) and also some pies that I can pop into the microwave or oven. Got a tetra pack of chopped tomatoes with basil in tomato sauce as well and canned meatballs in tomato sauce (to go with pasta!) and more instant soups. Eggs are quite expensive..the cheapest I saw in Tesco was 15 for S$2.70. Bought yoghurt too.

Just some sights to share
View from the bus

View from bus stop at Tesco

A better picture of the attic
Later in the afternoon L brought me to so-called asian grocer cos I asked if there's anywhere to get cheaper vegetables. So we went since she also needed to get some vege for some detox juice. Anyway, asian grocer turned out to be where the Pakistani community is..called Stratford. I just got peaches, celery and carrots for a start..and pasta. The cupboard and fridge space really limited have to resist temptation to buy more. After tt went to Aldi supermarket..couldn't resist the temptation of chocs. I've been resisting temptation of chips and snacks already! Don't want to put on weight, like in Aust.

L says she's making brownies later tonight..she herself said she's not good at baking. We shall see how. Feels a bit weird with her male partner, T, (I think considered partner liao) around cos I'm not sure to be in my room or be bulb..hmm...for now just waiting for her to finish cooking before I do some light cooking. Prob just have pasta. Have still been waking up early..probably knowing that I can chat with ppl at home. L also drove off early at 6+am, probably to drive T to work or something. Earlier in the morning, also created a ppt slideshow of photos of sights I took and just my room and sent to my team and bosses.

How goodo I am! I just realised that the heaters in my room, attic and toilet are on! Or maybe today then turned on. Anyway today's weather was chilly. About 17deg in the afternoon - yes, I've installed a thermometer app on my new hp.

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